Output Factory for InDesign Fixes Page Marker Variables in File Names

March 03 19:42 2025
Zevrix Solutions announces the release of Output Factory 3.0.21, a bug fix update to company’s output automation solution for Adobe InDesign. Output Factory streamlines printing and exporting of multiple InDesign files to PDF, EPUB, JPEG and other formats by offering batch-processing, custom scripts, and other time-saving capabilities. The new version fixes an issue where certain page markers where ignored during the variable output file name composition.

Toronto, ON, Canada – March 3, 2025 – Zevrix Solutions today announces the release of Output Factory 3.0.21, a bug fix update to company’s output automation solution for Adobe InDesign. Output Factory simplifies the operations of prepress bureaus, ad agencies, printers, and publishers. The software helps users eliminate both repetitive tasks and costly errors through effortless batch processing with time-saving output options.

The new version fixes an issue where certain page markers, such as section prefix, current page number, and next/previous page number, weren’t inserted into the variable output file names. With the new update, Output Factory enables users to automatically use the page and section values extracted from the desired InDesign text frames in the final output file names, which eliminated the tedious process of editing each file name by hand.

“Output Factory has been the single biggest time-saver I’ve encountered in ten years of print production,” says Mike Agate, Head of Production of Which?, Europe’s largest consumer rights organization. “Easily saves hours a week, producing bullet-proof documents over and over… With the reduction in head count and efficiency savings, it must have paid for itself 500 times over.”

Output Factory empowers InDesign users to achieve more efficient workflows with pre-defined actions, leading to enhanced productivity and reduced work hours.

Key features and advantages include:

Output dozens of InDesign files to PDF, TIFF, print and other formats

– Variable output file names

– Export every n pages as a single PDF file

Merge output PDF files automatically

– Layer versioning: output layer combinations as single files

– Run custom AppleScript and JavaScript scripts

– Preflight InDesign files before output

Pricing and Availability:

Output Factory can be purchased from Zevrix website for US$169.95 (Lite version $99.95), as well as from authorized resellers and Adobe Exchange. Trial is also available for download. The upgrade is $85 for the users of Output Factory 2 (Lite version $50); free for customers who purchased Output Factory 2 after May 10. Output Factory requires macOS 10.12-15.x and Adobe InDesign CS6-2025.

About Zevrix Solutions

Located in Toronto, Canada, Zevrix Solutions provides productivity solutions for Adobe Creative Cloud software, PDF workflows, graphic file diagnostics, file delivery and Microsoft Office on macOS. Zevrix is dedicated to help professionals increase their profits through automating everyday tasks, producing error-free documents, saving disk space and cutting production costs.

For more information, visit www.zevrix.com.

Media Contact
Company Name: Zevrix Solutions
Contact Person: Leo Revzin, Owner
Email: Send Email
Phone: 858-206-0607
Country: Canada
Website: http://www.zevrix.com