Atlanta, GA – MomoCon, in collaboration with Charlie’s Collectible Show, proudly presented the Otaku Runway Fashion Show, a unique fusion of anime-inspired fashion and cosplay culture. The event took place at Charlie’s Collectible Show in Stone Mountain, Georgia, attracting a vibrant community of fashion enthusiasts, cosplayers, and anime fans.
The Otaku Runway Fashion Show was more than just an event; it was a platform for local creatives to share their artistry and connect with a passionate audience. Attendees had the chance to meet the designers, hear their stories, and celebrate the intersection of individuality, fandom, and fashion.
Next Event: Want to get some rare finds on fun toys, t-shirts, and more from your fellow geeks? Beat the eBay prices and come to the Geek Garage Sale! Momocon will have numerous vendors selling slightly-used, post-consumer items for your nerdy needs at the Georgia Tech Campus in Atlanta, Georgia on February 15, 2025.
Featured Local Atlanta Designers:
Otaku & Geek Market (All Day):
A lively marketplace where attendees could explore and purchase a variety of fandom-inspired fashion, accessories, and collectibles. The market featured local artisans and small businesses showcasing their passion for anime and geek culture.
About MomoCon:
MomoCon is one of the fastest-growing all-ages conventions in the country, celebrating anime, gaming, comics, and cosplay. Held annually in Atlanta, Georgia, MomoCon unites fans and creators for a weekend of fun, learning, and community.
About Charlie’s Collectible Show:
Charlie’s Collectible Show is a premier destination in Stone Mountain, Georgia, offering a wide range of collectibles, hosting weekly marketplaces, and organizing events that celebrate pop culture and fandom.
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Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 407-202-9021
Video Link: YouTube
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