In the wake of the devastating fires in Los Angeles that have disrupted countless lives, New Method Wellness, the nation’s leading dual-diagnosis treatment center, is stepping up to offer immediate assistance to individuals displaced from their addiction treatment programs.
“Our hearts go out to everyone affected by these tragic events,” said Ed Blum, CEO of New Method Wellness. “We understand the critical importance of continuity in addiction treatment and are committed to helping those who need immediate support during this challenging time.”
New Method Wellness is offering placement in its programs to those displaced by the fires, providing a safe, supportive environment to continue their recovery journey. With state-of-the-art facilities and a compassionate, expert team, New Method Wellness specializes in personalized care to address both addiction and underlying mental health issues.
If you or someone you know has been displaced from their addiction treatment program, please call New Method Wellness at (949) 484-0257 for assistance.
“At New Method Wellness, we believe that recovery should never have to wait,” added Blum. “We are here to ensure that those in need can find stability and healing in the midst of uncertainty.”
For more information about New Method Wellness and its services, visit
Media ContactCompany Name: New Method WellnessContact Person: Susie Hopson-BlumEmail: Send EmailPhone: (949) 484-0257Address:31601 Avenida Los Cerritos City: San Juan CapistranoState: CACountry: United StatesWebsite: