KidMarshal Introduces Safe and Secure Child Dismissal System for Elementary-Aged Children

September 06 22:10 2023
This newest innovative solution helps school staff manage the chaotic afternoon dismissal process.

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina – Technology has been making the way people live, work, and play more convenient in almost every sense. So why not use it to turn a chaotic school dismissal into a smooth-sailing and worry-free process?

This idea is what started KidMarshal.

KidMarshal is a cloud-based platform that offers a secure and safe child dismissal system. It provides a highly efficient and safe means for schools (and churches) to facilitate child pick-up by leveraging technology.

The safety and security of children are the top priority of parents, guardians, and the school. KidMarshal addresses this by using electronic authentication technology and photo identification to guarantee that only authorized drivers can pick up the children. “Any unauthorized driver never comes within visual contact of the child,” shared KidMarshal co-founder Julie Willis. A notification update is also sent to the guardians and schools once the children are picked up, providing a different level of comfort and convenience for them.

Apart from its safety and security benefits, KidMarshal also helps schools improve the quality and speed of pick-up lines in schools. According to existing schools using KidMarshal, their pick-up line speed improved at least 50 percent compared to before, which lessens the chaos that teachers and staff face almost every dismissal time.

With all these conveniences, schools can use KidMarshal for free. Check out the KidMarshal website for more details.

About KidMarshal

KidMarshal is a cloud-based platform that offers a secured child pick-up system. It uses technology to provide a highly efficient and safe means for schools and churches to facilitate child pick-up.

KidMarshal was developed in partnership with nationally leading organizations and law enforcement agencies aimed at the protection of children from abduction, abuse and trafficking. For more information on KidMarshal contact us at or email

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